Walter Dnes ha scritto:

On Fri, Feb 04, 2005 at 10:56:18AM +0800, Ow Mun Heng wrote

On Fri, 2005-02-04 at 09:40, Neil Walker wrote:

Walter Dnes wrote:

Is there an "offifial Gentoo method" for syncing installed packages on two

The simplest way is to use NFS and simply mount /usr/portage on the host machine from the others. It works well here on a network of 6 machines.

Alternatively, you can use rsync. There is a how-to somewhere on the Gentoo website.

This is what I do.

1. echo 'GENTOO_MIRRORS="";' >> /etc/make.conf
2. Set up Apache so that it serves the portage distfiles (actually)
3. Set up a Rsync cron job or something that just polls this box. No
need to for a how to.

I don't think I made myself clear enough. I do *NOT* want to duplicate /portage/distfiles. I want to duplicate machine A's definition of "world" on Machine B.

# emerge -uDpv --newuse --noreplace $WORLD_OF_PIII
this should both keep updated your machine and emerge all the packages not present.
The --noreplace is needed to not force portage recompile a package already present.

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