Jim Hatfield ha scritto:

if you can boot from cd AND you have an athlon you can do this:
boot from rescue, mount your hd root
# wget http://www.francesco-riosa.com/gentoo/old/acl-2.2.27.tbz2
# tar -C /mnt/gentoo -jxvf acl-2.2.27.tbz2
where "/mnt/gentoo" is your hd root mount point

Well it seemed to like that - now it complains about libattr.so.1, so I guess it must have loaded libacl successfully.

# wget http://www.francesco-riosa.com/gentoo/old/attr-2.4.19.tbz2
# tar -C /mnt/gentoo -jxvf attr-2.4.19.tbz2

if you still miss something try to post the output of ldd /usr/bin/package-that-fail

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