> Where are you getting this from? According to the Activision support
> (and the Id Software page):


> And on a personal note, my bf can play Doom 3 (under Windows; I can't
> get it to run, myself) on HQ settings with an ATI 9600 Pro

...HQ isn't Ultra... there's Low, Medium, High, and Ultra Quality in
the video settings for the game... (see below...)

> Maybe you mean 512MB system RAM (which most likely is the recommended
> minimum for HQ settings), or maybe you'd need such a video card (if one
> existed) to play Doom 3 Multiplayer at 1600x1200, but otherwise, I think
> you're mistaken.

Nope. I'm not mistaken:

"In Ultra quality, we load each texture; diffuse, specular, normal map
at full resolution with no compression. In a typical DOOM 3 level,
this can hover around a whopping 500MB of texture data. This will run
on current hardware but obviously we cannot fit 500MB of texture data
onto a 256MB card and the amount of texture data referenced in a give
scene per frame ( 60 times a second ) can easily be 50MB+. This can
cause some choppiness as a lot of memory bandwidth is being consumed.
It does however look fantastic :-) and it is certainly playable on
high end systems but due to the hitching that can occur we chose to
require a 512MB Video card before setting this automatically."

(taken from http://www.bluesnews.com/plans/313/ - Robert Duffy's .plan
- July 26th entry)

...and 512MB cards _do_ exist. First hit from google:

So there. :P

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