Hi there,

Since my last update (udev, KDE 3.3.2) I'm having problems with KsCD.
On a clean reboot KsCD starts without any problem, I put a music CD,
start KsCD and play it without any problem. Once the CD finishes
playing I'm able to change it using the eject button twice (first time
opens the tray, second closes it with a new CD). But once I reach this
point KsCD hangs and I cannot eject the cd nor manually neither using
the command line. It's also impossible to kill KsCD (tried kill -9
pidOfKsCD, closing and reopening user session on KDE, restarting X
with CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE) or start a new KsCD. I must reboot to be able
to use again the DVD drive. I found the same problem in the forums,
but the thread was dated a year ago and no solution provided. Any

Thanks in advance, best regards

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