There are 4 use flags that concern me: oss alsa esd arts.
[I suppose there are other use flags out there, like jack and maybe dmix in 
the future, but I'm not worried about those ATM.]

What I'd like to do is have programs that support arts (have an arts use 
flag) compile support for arts, but none of the others.  Then, any that 
support esd but not arts (have an esd use flag, but no arts use flag) 
compile support for esd and no others.  Then, alsa and finally oss 
(although I'll have oss apps use arts through the compatability layer.)

Is there a simple way to do this, or do I have to go through all my 
packages to set my use flags in package.use manually?

AFAICT, I have to have arts to get sounds from most KDE apps and I have to 
have esd to get sound from flash so I'm thinking my sound setup should be 
somthing like:
arts -> esd -> alsa
        oss ---^

Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy

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