Collins Richey wrote:

On Sat, 12 Feb 2005 22:55:22 -0500 (EST), Brett I. Holcomb

I have firefox 1.0 installed.  When I go to the search bar and tell it to
install other extensions it says it did it succesfully but they never show
up.  Any ideas.

I've been using Firefox a long time, but I'm not sure what the "search bar" is?

OTOH, I've never had much luck installing extensions from a normal
user. If I'm going to install extensions, I startx as root, then do my
extension work, then log out. Any other way, file permissions get in
the way.

Installing regular extensions should work fine as a user (does for me) since they're stored in users' home directories; search plugins in particular sadly won't work off the shelf, so to speak, since only root has access to /usr/lib/MozillaFirefox/searchplugins, which must be modified. Personally, I just change the permissions of the directory so I can install search plugins as a user; alternatively, you could fire up Firefox as root (no need to startx as root!).

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