On Sat, 12 Feb 2005 17:04:25 +0100, Holly Bostick wrote:

> 1) patch the kernel to re-enable supermount, which is considered "evil",
> thus why it was removed. However, the ck-sources still patches for 
> supermount, and even if you don't want to use ck-sources, you can nick 
> the patch from the homepage and use it anyway. This is what I do, as no 
> matter how "evil" it is, supermount actually works reliably, and that is
> what is most important to me.

I've found the same. supermount works reliably for CD/DVD and USB flash
devices, despite any alleged "evilness". The alternatives all had
drawbacks that made them inferior to supermount from this user's point of
view. I use gentoo-dev-sources and apply the patch from the ck sources
site. It's worked reliably since supermount was removed from
gentoo-dev-sources for 2.6.8(?).

Neil Bothwick

Macro: (n.) a series of keystrokes used to simulate a missing but
essential command.

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