Could you please post your xorg.conf?

That would help determine how you have set up dual head.

William Kenworthy wrote:

Does anyone know what I need in xorg.conf (dell i8200 laptop, radeon M9)
to allow both the LCD and external monitor to startup in 1600x1200
resolution, even when no external monitor is plugged in?

No matter what I do, the external defaults to a viewport of 640x480 (or
close to that) if no external monitor is plugged in when starting xorg,
and I have not been able to overide it (the LCD is fine.)  It is
apparently a safety feature so if a monitor that may be damaged by the
sync settings is plugged in it defaults to the lowest common
denominator, but the problem is it doesn't allow you to redetect/reset
the external port once you do plug one in.  I know what monitor and
projectors I am going to use, so this is redundant (or rather, I dont
care - they have protection when overdriven - tested!)

The difficulty is that if I start X, and have lots of windows open, I
have to shut them all down, stop X, plug in the monitor and restart X,
then reopen all my apps.  Not good, especially when arriving to give
lecture and (publicly) having to waste time making xorg get its act
together.  XFree didnt have this problem, so I am sure there is some
work around that I have not discovered yet.  Can anyone suggest what I
need to do?


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