Hi all,

I need to build a backup server with at least 3x200gb SATA disks on a 
hardware raid5. I do not have many good experiences with HW raid 
controllers under (gentoo) Linux, since the system never "saw" the raid 
array, but the seperate disks. So I had to build a software raid over 

Could you guys give me some hints for good (and not too expensive) SATA 
hardware raid5 controllers, which can used under gentoo and not only under 
SuSE and RedHat?

Thanks for any tips!
Greetings, Matthias

Homer: Okay, okay, don't panic.  To find Flanders, I just have to think
 like Flanders!

Homer's Brain:
 I'm a big four-eyed lame-o and I wear the same stupid sweater
 everyday, and --

Homer: The Springfield River!

     Home Sweet Homediddly-Dum-Doodily

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