Hi again!
Yes, upon going into the menuconfig, my current kernel does have ISA Support enabled (*).
Please also note that the appropriate kernel option for my card:

Device drivers
->->Sound Card Support (*)
->->->->ALSA (*)
->->->->ISA Devices
->->->->->Yamaha OPL3-SA2/SA3 (M)

Upon modprobing (modprobe snd-opl3sa2), I get
FATAL: Error inserting snd_opl3sa2 (lib/modules/2.6.10-rc3-love1/kernel/sound.isa/snd-opl3sa2.ko): No such device.

Thanks again!!

Walter Dnes wrote:
On Fri, Feb 18, 2005 at 01:06:51AM +0000, Ian K wrote

| The soundcard is not listed with lspci, as it is an ISA card. Is there
| a command to show the ISA devices?
Yes think so. Try "lshw | grep ISA", 'emerge lshw'. Using it output's an
ISA-device on my mobo.

Hi again.
I emerged this program. Upon trying that line "lshw | grep ISA"
I get no output.  After, I tryed plain lshw. I got loads of output,
but it did not mention sound, nor ISA cards. Please note that this
soundcard works, it does so fine under Windows ME.  (I dual boot.) I
just really want it to work on Linux, cause its really annoying
without sound. Thanks!

  If it's an ISA unit, the next question is... do you have ISA enabled
in your kernel.  Run "make menuconfig" and at the top level, you'll see

Bus options (PCI, PCMCIA, EISA, MCA, ISA)  --->

  Go into that item and make sure that ISA support is enabled.  If it
hasn't been enabled, enable it, rebuild the kernel and reboot to the new


fn:Ian K
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
note;quoted-printable:Pentium 3=0D=0A=
	256MB RAM=0D=0A=
	80.0GB HDD=0D=0A=
	ATI Radeon 7000 Evil Wizard 64MB=0D=0A=
	Computer name: "PentaQuad"=0D=0A=

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