> > I noticed that if I'm doing a lot of clicking around there is pretty
> > much no time spent with either of those, but if I work on something
> > and then come back to the browser after a bit, Firefox can really
> > spend some time there.
> Could be anything. Maybe Firefox is caching stuff , maybe it isn't. Maybe
> your machine swaps a lot and it take awhile to swap back in. Sounds like
> you are worry needlessly about a few seconds difference.

"A few seconds" can easily be the difference between a customer
spending enough time on my site to find something they want to buy,
and not.  When I click on a search results link, I'll hit stop and try
another link if the page takes a few seconds too long to load.

It just seems silly to work on speeding up my server's execution time,
and even make sacrifices for greater speed, until I can get a page to
serve in 1 second instead of 4, and then realize I'm sometimes waiting
as long as 10 seconds before my code is even executed.

- Grant
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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