> In may cases a user may know what command (or file) they want but don't
> have any idea what category or package gentoo has placed it's provider.
> AFAIK, there's no way to ask portage this type of question, if there is:
> how?  Is an enchanment to portage for this functionality in the works;
> maybe a GLEP?  I understand there are difficulties to this type of
> indexing in gentoo (use flags; other types of conditions in ebuilds [like
> has_nptl]; etc.) but I'm sure it's possible, can any portage experts or
> gentoo-devs weigh in on this?

I often check packages.debian.org (*gasp*) and find a .deb that
contains the file I'm looking for.  Then I emerge the gentoo package
with the same name.  Yeah, well, it works.  Usually.
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