1. Nothing wrong with using the system. The updates don't interfere with the stuff you are running. Liinux isn't like Windows in that respect. The only time I've gotten out of X was to upgrade from XFree86 to Xorg.

2. You're lucky. These are updates to config files and scripts so generally if you don't get the updates you haven't really updated your system. Run etc-update and carefully pay attention to what it wants to change. However, some files you should not update such as /etc/fstab and others. Etc-update will let you see what changes it's going to make and allow you to decide.

On Sat, 26 Feb 2005, Walter Dnes wrote:

 1) I notice some occasional mention of people continuing to use their
systems while emerge is running.  Intuitively, this seems like driving
your car while mechanics are working on it.  I shut down every X session
and every text console except one root session running the actual
emerge.  Is this unnecessary?  Are there any booby-traps to watch for if
I want to use my system while "emerge --ask --deep --update --world" is

 2) After a while I've found the messages (at the end of the emerge
session) about config files, useless and rather annoying.  I now execute

rm `find /etc -iname '._cfg????_*'`

whenever such a message shows up.  No problems... yet.  Is it a good
idea, or have I just been lucky?


Brett I. Holcomb
Registered Linux User #188143
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