On Sunday 27 February 2005 22:32, Marc Ballarin wrote:
> > What am I missing?
> Hard to tell, based on you information ;-)
> Check the output of "emerge -pe dvdrip". It should be sth like the
> following (depends on you USE flags):

e? Isn't an emptytree a bit excessive?
A plan ole 'emerge dvdrip -pv', possible with a tree (like Neil suggested), 
would be just fine.

> BTW: If you enter "emerge gtk+", portage will emerge the latest version of
> gtk+, ie. gtk-2.x. To get gtk+1.x, do "emerge -p "<gtk+-2" ". This should
> not be necessary, though.

BTW2: Second guessing portage by emerging a dependency individually to add 
extra functionality (like someone at work assuming that emerging gd would add 
gd support to php) will rarely ever work.
Find the USE flag which enables the functionality you want, and re-emerge the 
package in question, not it's dependency! This is pretty much the reverse of 
binary distros, like debian.

Mike Williams

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