James wrote:

I always use wvdial with ppp for dial-out.

As a command-line cripple (um, make that challenged) I have always used KPPP. However, recently with Ubuntu I was forced to learn some of wvdial.

Ubuntu only provides Gnome, and the network set-up wizard wouldn't work. I used apt (apt-got I guess one could say) to get KDE, and KPPP wouldn't work, but before I could even use apt I had to get a connection.

Having heard of wvdial, I checked to see if it was installed, and it was. Then I read the man pages, and maybe it wasn't the best way but I ended up creating a file (isp) and running wvdial --config isp, and got connected.

Having heard of screen, I read up on it and learned how to detach the wvdial process.

What I never learned was how to shut it down apart from finding its PID and killing it. Even then it often began redialing unless I killed my terminal session.

I thought about trying to write by first script, making it executable and giving it an icon on my panel so I didn't have to open a terminal every time I wanted to get on-line, but I knew I would first have to learn how to shut it down.

It was a good learning experience. What's the elegent way to use wvdial to connect and disconnect?

-- gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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