On Tue, 2005-03-01 at 00:12 -0500, Phil Sexton wrote:
> On Mon, 2005-02-28 at 23:47, maxim wexler wrote:
> > >
> > http://www.edmunds-enterprises.com/linux/cart.php/ba/pdtl/product/218
> > > 
> > 
> > How different are these from the packageCDs on the
> > gentoo site? In a pinch I can get one of these from a
> > pal in town who has broadband. That's how I got the
> > install iso.
> According to my intepretation of the site, the packages are synced and
> burnt/pressed within 24 hours of the order.


> To address these barriers we've created Gentoo Portage Essentials CD's,
> an exclusive offering from Edmunds Enterprises. We automatically build
> these daily custom Gentoo package CD's which contain the latest stable
> version of the the most popular and essential programs that will meet
> the needs of most Linux users. By scanning the portage tree for the
> previous day you are assured that only stable packages are selected and
> that they are the most recent versions available. You can watch the
> gentoo mirrors to see what the date of the latest portage archive is
> under the snapshots directory to see how current these CD's will be. 


> The package selection list is loosly based on the types of packages you
> would find in a popular distribution such as Mandrake and will meed the
> needs of most Linux desktop and server configurations. 


> > Besides, I know I need a whack of X11R6*src files(for
> > starters) and didn't see them listed in the edmunds
> > gentoo-package-list. Maybe they're hidden in one of
> > those alternate lines of black on dark blue text!
> Try using control-a in your browser to select all the text in the page.
> Here is an unedited copy/paste:
> ----------------------------------------


> x11-base/xfreeXfree86: famous and free X server 

If they are so up to date why are they still shipping the xfree package,
when xorg-x11 seems to now be preferred and supported.


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