maxim wexler wrote:
Hello everybody,

I have a typical dual-boot system: /dev/hda contains
WinXP, /dev/hdb, gentoo. I had to swap out my linux
drive with another (NTFS) drive. Since nothing would
boot(grub error 17) I used a Win98 CD to get to a
prompt and entered fdisk /mbr, thinking to reboot
linux later from the livecd, mount the partitions,
swapon, chroot etc as per the Gentoo-FAQ and enter

grub-install --root-directory=/boot /dev/hda.

But I got:

Could not find device for /boot/boot: Not found or not
a block device

Why is it looking for /boot/boot? Attempts to use
tomsrtbt and bare.i led to a kernel panic whatever
partition I tried to boot. Nothing seems amiss in
/boot that I can see. Any ideas?


Yes; since when is /boot on /dev/hda? Did you move your WinXP drive (which you said was /dev/hda, and does not contain a /boot directory, afaik) to another slot on the IDE cable and re-swap your Linux drive to the primary master?

If not, then your command is incomplete; I believe you have to tell GRUB what drive /boot is actually on, as in (hd1,0)/boot.

As for the /boot/boot thing; because GRUB installs to /boot/grub, depending on whether you have boot on another partition or not, this directory may not exist. If you say that /boot is on /dev/hda1, which is normally mounted to the /boot folder on /dev/hda4, which is the root partiton, there is no /boot folder on /dev/hda1 partition, so grub will get all borked. Creating a recursive symlink on the /boot partition (a symlink called boot in the /boot partition, that points to the same partition the symlink is in) solves this potential issue.

Hope this helps.

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