On Fri, 4 Mar 2005, Raphael Melo wrote:

Hi there,

  I had the following error trying to compile the OpenMosix kernel:

make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.4.28-openmosix-r5/drivers'
COMMAND: make j0 CC="gcc" LD="ld" AS="as" modules_install
make: *** No rule to make target `j0'.  Stop.

   I know it is about a module (modules_install tells me that) but I
don't know what module asks for j0.

j0 looks like a number of concurrent processes. Like it should be -j1 or -j2, etc. I don't know what exactly is causing that error, but that might give you a bit of an idea where to start.

Christopher Fisk
One of Bender's kids: Can we have Bender burgers again? Bender: No, the cat shelter's onto me.
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