Nick Smith wrote:
thats fine but i dont only send emails to linux users, as odd as
that sounds, i would assume thier clients have to have the
software as well to decrypt the email?  actually im the only one
on my address that uses linux, (and im not on my address list)
so is it cross-platform compaitible? also does it work with
webmail aka squirrelmail?

True, encryption requires buy-in from both corresponding parties. GPG/PGP is a pretty standard program for encrypting stuff. Enigmail is just the Mozilla/Thunderbird plugin for interfacing to GPG. A lot of email clients include support for these programs. Just make sure that the people with whom you communicate are on board. Then swap public keys and you should be ready to communicate without "The Man" eavesdropping.

And remember that Thunderbird is a cross-platform app. And a great one too, I might add.

        -Mike Melanson
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