On 2005-03-05 17:26:24 -0700 (Sat, Mar), Mike Melanson wrote:
> Walter Dnes wrote:
> >  Am I compromised, or does Gentoo go around creating a bunch of users
> >just for the hell of it?  here's a bunch of users I don't understand
>       No, this is all pretty standard. Plus, the fact that the shells are 
>       all /bin/false makes it impossible to log in as those user and get an 
> interactive shell. For added peace of mind, check your /etc/shadow 
> directory, where the actual passwords are kept. The passwords fields are 
> '*' or '!' which are impossible to hash to using the password hashing 
> algorithm. That makes it doubly impossible to ever log in as those users.

Wouldn't some PAM magic skip over this?

auth       sufficient   /lib/security/pam_localuser.so

Hovewer, if an attacker can configure PAM, she does not need an entry in
/etc/passwd ;-)

Just my 2 euro..

$ ls -lart
/bin/ls: you must be root to use LART

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