Please disregard my last post.  I didn't have
localhost set as an alias to localhost.localdomain in
/etc/hosts.  I set it and rebooted and now
squirrelmail works fine.  I apologize for the

--- Michael Sullivan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This should be the last OT thread I start for
> awhile. 
> Squirrelmail is the last package I have to set up
> before my Gentoo system on my server PC has all the
> services on it that I used back when it had Fedora
> installed on it.    I emerged squirrelmail and ran
> the
> script like the emerge notes told me I
> should.
>  I changed the server settings so that IMAP and SMTP
> pointed to "bullet" instead of "localhost" (I ran
> into
> that problem with mailman, but thankfully I know how
> to fix it now.)  Here is the output of the perl
> script:
> SquirrelMail Configuration : Read: config.php
> (1.4.0)
> Server Settings
> General
> -------
> 1.  Domain                 :
> 2.  Invert Time            : false
> 3.  Sendmail or SMTP       : SMTP
> A.  Update IMAP Settings   : bullet:143 (other)
> B.  Update SMTP Settings   : bullet:25
> R   Return to Main Menu
> C   Turn color off
> S   Save data
> Q   Quit
> Command >> q
> You have not saved your data.
> Save?  [Y/n]: y
> Data saved in config.php
> Exiting
> You might want to test your configuration by
> browsing
> to
> http://your-squirrelmail-location/src/configtest.php
> Happy SquirrelMailing!
> bullet config #
> When I go to and
> get
> to the login screen and put in my username and
> password, I get the following output:
> Error connecting to IMAP server: localhost.
> 0 : Success
> I don't understand this.  I explicitly set the IMAP
> and SMTP servers to bullet, not localhost, but I
> can't
> seem to get squirrelmail to understand that I
> changed
> the name.  How do I get it to recognize that the
> server's host name is not localhost?
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