Too late for my reply then...

There might be hw issues in mounting a big HD on an old mobo. Some time ago I had troubles trying to attach a 160Gb Maxtor drive to an Asus P5A-B (AMD K6-2 processor). Every time I tried to write something that would fall over the 120th Gb, it would get written to the first block of the disk (in the partition table...). I updated BIOS but no difference. I had to leave the last 40Gb unpartitioned.

BTW, at the time I was using an MDK9.2 installation. When I upgraded the same pc to MDK10.0, I noticed that the kernel during the boot recognized a limitation on the 160Gb drive and self-limited it to 120Gb, so it's probably an issue known to the kernel developers.

Now I switched to Gentoo on an new Asus K8V (amd64 processor) and the same drive works flawlessly on all 160Gb.

In conclusion... good luck!


Steve wrote:
Fantastic... Thanks everyone... It's ordered :-)

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