On Mon, 28 Mar 2005 16:09:09 -0800
Jonathan Nichols <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> (Note: I suck at Perl.)
> I have a script. it's a simple script.
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> $file = "foo.txt";
> system"wget http://clutter.pbp.net/~jnichols/foo.txt"; || die "Couldn't

> get $file";
> Currently "foo.txt" doesn't exist. It'll return a 404. It doesn't die 
> with the error message above. Basically, I need wget to die and return

> the specified error message if the result is *anything* but
> If wget gets the file, ok. If it fails to get the file for any reason,

> barf out.
> Sounds simple enough, eh? I can't seem to find documentation on how to

> achieve this goal. Help? :P

Well, if you're using perl, check out the LWP::Simple module.

Here's an (untested) snippet:


use strict;

use LWP::Simple ('get', 'getstore');
my $link = 'http://clutter.pbp.net/~jnichols/foo.txt';
my $filename = substr $link, (rindex $link, '/') + 1;
print $filename, "\n";
if (( getstore ($link, $filename)) != 200){print 'failure'}else{print 'success'}


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