On Tue, 29 Mar 2005 11:57:06 -0800, John Myers
> On Tuesday 29 March 2005 11:39, Mark Knecht wrote:
> > I did some Googling and it seemed to suggest that I should look at
> > /etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf and make sure that DisallowTCP=true is commented
> > out. Actually in my file that is already commented out so I'm
> > wondering if this is the right config file. It is the only one I find
> > with slocate.
> That one's not the problem, 'cause rXs starts a whole new Xorg instance with
> no flags.


> >
> > Is there some other config file on FC2 that effects this sort of thing?
> Look through your xorg.conf. idk if it can be in there, but look anyway.

Yes, I have been looking there but nothing is showing up for me. (An
uneducated Xorg user...) ;-)
> >
> > Maybe it's somethign completely different though.
> >
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] mark]$ xeyes
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] mark]$ xeyes -display :0
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] mark]$ xeyes -display :0.0
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] mark]$ xeyes -display :1
> > Xlib: connection to ":1.0" refused by server
> > Xlib: No protocol specified
> >
> > Error: Can't open display: :1
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] mark]$
> As far as I can see, you haven't started Xorg yet. xeyes can't connect to a
> display that doesn't exist.

Actually, in this case I Started Xorg by hand, just using 

Xorg :1

I get a black (or very dark grey depending on the machine) screen with
a mouse. the mouse works and I can do Alt-Ctrl-F7 to come back to this

Then I did the commands above. All the ones directed to this display
worked correctly. The ones directed at :1 fail.

Possibly I should start Xorg differently to get it to listen
differently, but it's failing on both tcp and local connections.

I'm reading through the man pages now. This is interesting stuff. Too
much for me to learn quickly though. One clue was that this sort of
setup counb be overridden in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xdm/Xsession but I
don't see it. There is also stuff pertaining to this in
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xdm/xdm-config but I wonder if this is truly for
Xorg/gdm or whether what I need is somewhere else?

All guesses right now.


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