On 15:56 Thu 31 Mar     , Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> On Thu, 31 Mar 2005 05:32:39 -0500 Bill Roberts
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> | Compiling is not only cpu intensive, but involves a great deal of
> | read/write.
> Which is why you make /var/tmp/portage a tmpfs mount. Or at least we do
> for sparc and mips stage and GRP builds... But then our build boxes have
> eight or more gigs of RAM in them :)
> | Show me any other way you can easily get the following
> | numbers from hdparm:
> | 
> | /dev/md0:
> |  Timing cached reads:   2868 MB in  2.00 seconds = 1432.78 MB/sec
> |   Timing buffered disk reads:  410 MB in  3.01 seconds = 136.05 MB/sec
> You can quite easily beat that with a straight fibrechannel setup.
I've done the tmpfs thing before, but not on my current machine.
Thanks for reminding me.

I got the WD raptors for free (well, I did a couple of builds for a
friend). I never would have bought Western Digital, but I have been
happily suprised. Anyone wants to donate a couple of those 15K rpm
Seagates, I'll be glad to take them, but I can't really justify the

Point is, I think the premium paid for scsi is too high. In some 15
years of computing, I've only had one HD fail, that was an IBM
Deskstar, aka DeathStar. I have hard drives that have been running
essentially continuously since 1998 without problems. As is always the
case, your mileage may vary.

Must be those Scotch genes I inherited ;).

Bill Roberts

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