On Mon, 4 Apr 2005 13:43:17 +0800, ______ ___ wrote:

> 1) if there is a new version of xorg-x11 gets stable on sparc (that is,
> keyword masked by 'sparc') I get email notification of that;
> 2) if there is a new version of gnome (in my case, gnome-2.10) gets
> stable on sparce, please let me know. 

You could do this with a script run from cron.

emerge sync &>/dev/null
updates=$(emerge world -upvD)
for p in xorg-x11 gnome add others; do
        if echo $updates | grep -q $p; then
                echo "Update to $p available"

If any listed packages are updated, the script with print them, and cron
will mail this information to you.

Alternatively, you can have cron mail all the updates to you with

emerge sync
emerge -upvD

Neil Bothwick

Anything is good and useful if it's made of chocolate.

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