On Mon, 4 Apr 2005, Matthew Cline wrote:

> Ok, I see now. I wasn't grasping the part where the "emerge -ef world"
> was grabbing distfiles from the local system, not another mirror.

>From "man portage":

        Whenever  portage  encounters a mirror:// style URL it will look
        up the actual hosts here.  If the mirror set is not found  here,
        it  will  check  the  global  mirrors  file at /usr/portage/pro-
        files/thirdpartymirrors.  You may also set a special mirror type
        called  "local".   This  list  of mirrors will be checked before
        GENTOO_MIRRORS  and  will  be  used  even  if  the  package  has

        - comments begin with #
        - mirror type followed by a list of hosts

        # local private mirrors used only by my company

        # people in japan would want to use the japanese mirror first
        sourceforge http://keihanna.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge

        # people in tawain would want to use the local gnu mirror first
        gnu ftp://ftp.nctu.edu.tw/UNIX/gnu/

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