Oh, I forgot something...

Ciaran McCreesh wrote:

Which is why naive users shouldn't be unleashed upon computers without
some kind of training first.


Ok, but then the company that doesn't keep up ends up having to charge more for their products than the companies that do, thus they lose so much sales that they lose so much income that they either go bust or get bought by the companies that do keep up.

First, in the long ago there was no known place to send users for that training, and sending them costs payroll for no current productivity,*plus* the price of the training, leading back to the above.

Then there were a few such places, but no one knew if they were worthwhile, and they were *expensive*.

More recently, rhe is-it-good and the (lessened) price are still true (& the price is less, but so are the company's margins), and 'the process has been established.' This is called human nature, as is expecting everyone else to know everything that *you* know.
As for people training themselves, this requires major expense for most people... Either buy a (previously *Expensive*) computer +, +, +, +,. or pay what, to most people, would be a *ton* of their livehood to a training center, which they would have *lots* of trouble knowing the actual value of without *already* knowing how to 'properly' use a computer, and in either case, spending lots of their own limiteds time learning.

People don't *want* to learn computers (making the training that much harder & slower), and, truthfully, they shouldn't *Need* to, beyond the *Very* basics. Linux is getting there with its stability, and Windoze is getting there by understanding all the above (although their execution *stink*, except for their GUI). The computer industry needs to get the rest of the way, and I know that Linux could do so if enough people diced to make it do so.

(Can y'all tell that this is a *REAL* big Irish horse for me?)

Having pointed the basic factors involved, I know you gotta be pretty highly intelligent from what you do, so I hope you can see my point.....?

Thanks for listening,
Robert G. Hays.

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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