On Wed, Mar 30, 2005 at 03:51:55PM -0500, A. Khattri wrote:
> On Wed, 30 Mar 2005, Digby Tarvin wrote:
> > I like modest hardware because it promotes efficient code. And the
> > performance is actually perfectly find for most of the software
> > development I do. The only time it feels slow is when I use
> > crypto software like ssh or large applications like netscape.
> Funny - most people would consider the GNOME desktop or OO to be large
> applications these days...

Neither are critical apps for me. I don't have either on my BSD/OS system,
so they don't count. I would find it hard to do without a web browser or
crypto, but fvwm is perfectly adequate as a WM for my needs, and TeX/LaTeX
for formatting text work fine on modest machines.

I have tried running OO and KDM on my 166MHz Libretto 100CT (64MB RAM),
and they are slow enough on that...

> > My gentoo system, on the other hand, has a Tyan motherboard with
> > dual 800MHz processors - not the top of the line these days, but
> > it still feels rediculously fast compared to my antique..
> I have four servers with Tyan board (dual Athlon) that run Gentoo very
> well. Tyan have a quad-Opteron board Ive been drooling over but the price
> tag is 4 figures :-)

Yep, impressive. But speed has never been a big deal for me. Once I
had a clean, non-segmented architecture with MMU and restartable
instruction traps, such as the 68030 (ie something powerful enough
to run Unix efficiently) I was happy. Since then it has just been
the same thing scaled up in storage and speed.

> > Besides, I can remember when 'ram expandable to 1K' was
> > a feature...
> First computer I ever used was a Sinclair ZX80 (1K RAM).

I used to like the look of the old IMSAI 8080 (still do, as far as the
cosmetics go), but that was long before I could afford to buy a computer.
256 bytes of memory as standard...

The first one I owned was an Exidy Sorcerer - I think it had 8K RAM.
Quite a nice machine in its time. Especially when I finally saved up
enough to buy a floppy drive so that I could save my programs before
turning off the machine ($2,000.00 at the time).

Digby R. S. Tarvin                                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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