On April 12, 2005 01:48 pm, The Disguised Jedi wrote:
> OK...This is going to sound like a really dumb question, but I'm really new
> at this, but liking it so far...
>  I've heard (and believe) that the Mac OS is built on a Linux kernel. Is
> this true? If so, does that mean that Macintosh\Apple compatible software
> can be installed on a Gentoo machine? There's lots of software out there
> I'd like to use in my Gentoo environment, and I can find Mac\Apple
> versions, but I don't know if it will work in Gentoo.
>  Thanks for reading, and for any help you can give a poor newbie...

various others have already pointed out that osX is in no way based on linux, 
but what i haven't seen posted yet is that while i've not heard of any 
mac-specific apps running on anything other than a mac, there are a number of 
similar apps for linux.

  if you like itunes, you'll like amarok
  if you like safari, there's konqueror and firefox
  for chatting there kopete and gnomemeeting
  for dvds there's (g)mplayer, xine and ogle
  for p2p there's azureus and nicotine
  email has kmail, evolution and thunderbird

for the most part, there have been concerted efforts to get the linux desktop 
to look more like osX... mainly 'cause it's so damn sexy.  xorg has the new 
real-transparency coming out and i've seen a few other projects on getting 
opengl integration as well, though that's a ways off still.  if you post the 
name of the mac app you're looking for, someone here might have an equivalent 
for you.

love isn't in the brain children.  it's blood
blood screaming inside you to work its will
  - spike, buffy the vampire slayer "lovers walk"
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