On Thu, 14 Apr 2005 18:36:50 -0400
Robert G. Hays wrote:

> <...derivations...> That is, which
>     kernel.org   kernel-w.x.y.z
> did which
>     gentoo kernel-w.x.y-gentoo-rz
> come from, then get patched, and with which patches.

Oh and by the way if you just want the sources that Linus built, then
emerge vanilla-sources, there will be no patching from the kernel.org

> I still gotta man equery & which.
> Next time I boot to linux.

equery is a general tool for mucking about with portage, and finding
info about packages.

equery which <packagename> 

gives the full name and path of the ebuild that will be used if you
emerge <packagename>


[EMAIL PROTECTED] nick $ equery which samba

if you put the command in back-ticks ` then its like typing the output
of the command inside the ` ` on the command line


less `equery which samba`  (note the backticks, they are hard to spot)

is equivalent to 

less /usr/portage/net-fs/samba/samba-3.0.13.ebuild (except that it
always gives the up to date ebuld as reported by equery)

in other words its just a shortcut to read the ebuild file.

Note also that back ticks are deprecated, in favour of this construct:

less $(equery which samba) - which gives the same result, although there is 
some technical difference that doesn't matter right now. I try and
force myself to use the new $() way instead of back-ticks, but its one
more character to type and all that shift keying to get the $()

> Thank you again!,
> robert.
> --
> gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Nick Rout
Barrister & Solicitor

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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