Hi Gentoo-User,
Just been installing Gentoo using the 2005.0 Minimal CD and I did a
stage 2.
The hardware is a HP DL380 G4, with the internal 6i RAID controller -
The Kernel was compiled with the needed support for the 6i controller
and my devices were:

/dev/cciss/c0d0p1               /boot   ext2
/dev/cciss/c0d0p2               /swap   
/dev/cciss/c0d0p3               /root   reiserfs

Grub picked up the drive fine after making the required mapping in
device.map, all was looking good so I rebooted and got the grub splash
screen - selected the install and it then booted, found a reiserfs file
system and then rebooted so I let it boot again and then got a reiserfs
error so I booted the 2005.0 cd and ran reiserfsck /dev/cciss/c0d0p3 -
errors were found and it advised running --rebuild-tree which I did...

Now after booting the 2005.0 cd and mounting /dev/cciss/c0d0p3 it would
seem that I have only a single directory of which is lost+found.....

Have I just lost this mornings work and is it worth re-installing ?
What could have caused this to happen and would the same thing happen
again ?   

Of all the Gentoo systems I have built and rebuilt - this is the first
time I have seen this !   :(

Hoping someone can help...

Thanks in advance.


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