Mark Knecht wrote:

>On 4/19/05, Richard Fish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>If/when you do try this, please report the results.  I am using USB2.0
>>disks for my backups right now, but my bandwidth is limited to 20MB/sec
>>total.  Since one of the disks I backup is also a USB2.0 disk, my
>>effective bandwidth is about 10MB/sec for much of my backup (transfer
>>from USB2.0 disk to memory, memory to other USB disk).
>>I also have a 1394 port that I am not using for anything right now, and
>>I know that if I moved one or the other to that bus, I could get some
>>more speed.  But I am not sure which one to move, because I don't know
>>whether it is faster or slower than the 20MB/sec maximum that I get now.
>On my 3 1394 drives I get about 18MB/S, 24MB/S and 24MB/S. The 18MB/S
>drive is the oldest (and smallest at 40GB) of the three.
That sounds very slow. I get 36,7MB/s (hdparm -t /dev/hda) on the
harddisk in my laptop from last year (1400MB/s with hdparm -T /dev/hda).
Newer stationary disks are probably faster. Is it 1394 that makes it
that slow or it it just low rotation frequency?
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