I am not familiar with Windows CD burning software, but there should
be an option for you to Open an ISO file. Sometimes it is called Open
a disc Image, or something similar. What you have done is, instead of
burning the iso as a raw data, making a CD of the iso. 

You want to think of the iso as a CD in itself, and essentially you
are trying to copy the information from the "cd" onto a real CD. 

To answer your other question: A distro is short for distribution.
Linux itself is only the kernel, it lets you turn on the computer and
pretty much that's it. All the fancy programs like OpenOffice, Xorg,
America's Army and all the less fancy programs like gcc and perl run 
on top of the kernel. Those programs are what makes your computer
usable. A distro is a collection of programs, along with a selection
of kernels that a group of people put together. People prefer running
a distribution rather than installing everything from source manually
because the time it saves and the mess it prevents. Also distros mean
community and support. 

Now, Gentoo is sort of a DYI distro. Some familiarity with the
inner workings of a computer, and some familiarity with the over-all
unix-style operating systems are assumed, especially during the
installation. It is a learning experience, and it can be a very
overwhelming learning experience. Therefore, while I highly recommend
Gentoo in general, I would say that Gentoo is not for beginners. 

hope that helps. 


On Wed, Apr 20, 2005 at 04:15:59PM +1000, Nanayakkara, Pubudu wrote:
> This may be the issue,
> I only have one iso file.. 
> "install-amd64-universal-2005.0.iso"
> Gentoo installation guide doesn't say that I need to have more than one
> file. So, I downloaded only the ISO file. 
> Cheers,
> Pubudu.
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