Mrugesh Karnik wrote:

> Robert S wrote:
>> I've looked at that - the "Monitor" section in my xorg.conf looks
>> like this:
>> Section "Monitor"
>>         Identifier   "Dell"
>>         HorizSync    31.0 - 54.0
>>         VertRefresh  50.0 - 120.0
>> EndSection
>> In other words, it allows a VertRefresh rate of up to 120.  I looked
>> at the Dell specs.  It still does not do 87 by default.
> IIRC, xorg guesses the correct refresh rate automatically according to
> the frequencies you input. Having said that, I wonder if it varies
> with the resolution? (Not an expert with monitors!) I've been able to
> use 1024 with 75 Hz refresh rate, but at 1280, it drops to 60
> automatically... Just curious, most probably I'm wrong...

You are not wrong, that is exactly how it works.  A monitor that can do
here are not exact, but maximum refresh rate does drop with higher

Robert, X normally chooses the highest refresh rate for a given
resolution.  Take a look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log for clues.  You should
see a bunch of "Default mode" lines the describe the different built-in
resolutions and refresh rates that X can use.  Some of them get rejected
because your monitor can't do them, this is normal.

I suspect the final resolution will be either:

1. Easy.  Remove the HorizSync and VertRefersh lines from xorg.conf,
because they can normally be auto-detected anyway.

2. More difficult.  You may need to add a Modeline to your Monitor
section.  To create this, use the KDE control to set your desired
resolution and refresh rate.  Then run a program called "xvidtune" from
a konsole window.  It is a very old program used to make fine
adjustments to display settings.  Click 'ok' on the warning dialog, and
just hit "Show".  That will output a current modeline to the konsole
window.  Then you just need to add it to the Monitor section:

Section "Monitor"
        Identifier   "Dell"
        # HorizSync    31.0 - 54.0 # optional
        # VertRefresh  50.0 - 120.0 # optional
        ModeLine <output from xvidtune>


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