
A silly question, perhaps -- but is there any tool that will let me find
out which font, and with which parameters, a given piece of text on my
screen was rendered with?

I'm never too sure whether this or that application uses fontconfig or not,
and I'm not very sure about its config files either [by the way, a link to
a good technical no-nonsense introduction into how fontconfig, Xft, freetype,
and X server-side extension(s) all tie together, exactly, would be greatly
appreciated]. Some applications expose font dialogs, others don't; those that
do and use fontconfig, then perform a bunch of substitutions, etc. And I have
font blindness in that I'm unable to identify a font with any certainty, and
sometimes have trouble deciding whether something really changed in the way
text is displayed after I did some upgrade or config change, or whether I'm
seeing things that aren't there.

Would be great if I could point at a piece of text and something would
tell me what is used to render it, in the form of a traditional font line
or some other form. If that's impossible, something like a log of what's
being rendered with which font at which coordinates would also be great. Any
advice appreciated,


"There's nothing simply good, nor ill alone" -- John Donne

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