On Fri, 22 Apr 2005, Digby Tarvin wrote:

> I think it would be nicer if the '-C' option turned it off, and that
> being invoked with the name 'vi' should cause that option to be assumed.
> Likewise for any other change that I havn't stunbled over yet...
> Regards,
> DigbyT
> --
> Digby R. S. Tarvin                                             [EMAIL 
> http://www.digbyt.com

If you found the apropriate parameters to vim, just create an alias for
vi, or a script in your local bin ($HOME/bin likely) which starts vim
with the given parameters.

Tamas Sarga                             Sárga Tamás
Make the world confused!                Zavard össze a világot!
Smile on monday morning!                Mosolyogj hétfő reggel!

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