Jason Cooper <gentoo <at> lakedaemon.net> writes:

> If the input is VGA, then it has to comply with the VESA VGA standard.
> There is no broadcast flag there, AFAIK.  If it can tune HDTV directly 
> (raw antenna input), then you'll have to check the manual or call the
> manufacturer.
> Regardless, if you feed it via the VGA port, then you won't have a
> problem.

Cool beans....

Last question.

Are there any pci buss cards that receive HDTV signal other than
terrestrial broadcast, such as satellite or cable or ?

If not, then could I receive Cable grade hdtv, divert it into the 
pchdtv card, record and then send to a monitor?

Any other schemes or places to read about schema and equipment?


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