i've been noticing lately that the output of emerge -pv is giving me some 
interesting output:

  $ emerge -pv mplayer

  These are the packages that I would merge, in order:

  Calculating dependencies ...done!
  [ebuild   R   ] media-video/mplayer-1.0_pre6-r5  (-3dfx) (-3dnow) +3dnowext
  +X -aalib +alsa (-altivec) -arts +avi -bidi -bl +cdparanoia +debug +dga
  -directfb (-divx4linux) -doc +dts +dv +dvb +dvd +dvdread +edl +encode -esd
  -fbcon -ggi +gif -gtk +i8x0 -ipv6 -jack -joystick +jpeg -libcaca -lirc -live
  +lzo +mad -matroska -matrox (-mmx) (-mmxext) +mpeg -mythtv -nas +nls -nvidia
  +oggvorbis +opengl -oss +png +real +rtc -samba -sdl (-sse) (-sse2) (-svga)
  +tga +theora +truetype +v4l +v4l2 -xanim -xinerama +xmms +xv +xvid -xvmc 0kB

what i'm trying to understand here is why so many of the above flags are in 
brackets and marked with a "-" even though they're clearly enabled in my 
make.conf file as flags i want to use.  most important being mmx, sse, sse2 
and divx4linux.

can someone please explain to me why these flags are being ignored and what 
those brackets mean?  if you're interested, here's my USE variable in 
make.conf (i used app-portage/ufed):

USE="-* 3dnow 3dnowex 3dnowext X aac acl acpi acpi4linux aim alsa amarok
     audiofile avantgo avi berkdb bzip2 bzlib cdda cdio cdparanoia cdr
     chroot codecs css curl debug dga dio divx4linux dnd dts dv dvb dvd
     dvdr dvdread edl encode exif extraicons faad ffmpeg freetype ftp gd
     geoip gif gpgme gstreamer i8x0 icq jabber java javascript jpeg
     jpeg2k kde kdepim libclamav libgd libwww lm_sensors logitech-mouse
     lzo lzw-tiff mad maildir md5sum mmx mmxext motif moznocompose
     moznoirc moznomail moznoxft mozp3p mozsvg mp3 mpeg mpeg4 mplayer
     msn ncurses network nls no-old-linux noamazon nocd oav offensive
     ogg oggvorbis openal opengl pam pam_chroot pam_timestamp pda pdf
     pdflib perl png posix povray python qt quicktime rar real rtc sdk
     session smime sms sox spamassassin spell sql sqlite sqlite3 sse
     sse2 ssl svg svga tga theora tidy tiff transcode truetype
     truetype-fonts type1-fonts usb v4l v4l2 vcd vcdimager wmf xface
     xine xml xml2 xmms xosd xsl xv xvid yahoo zlib"

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