On Friday 29 April 2005 06:11, Mark Knecht wrote:
> On 4/29/05, Chris Ong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >         After I emerge samba and cups.. i got this message
> >
> >   * Caching service dependencies...
> >   *  Services 'samba' and 'cupsd' have circular
> >   *  dependency of type 'iuse';  continuing...
> >   * rc-update complete.
> Yes, I started getting this a few days ago. (Or I first started
> noticing it.) I see it when I restart networking so I assumed they
> were telling me that cupsd and samba depend on networking which is not
> a surprise. The messages seem a bit ambigous though as they seem to
> warn me about something that's not clear what the problem or solution
> will be.
Actually, it means that samba depends on cups, and cups depends on samba. 
Hence the circle.

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