> I guess you could brew one up after you got a minimalist Gentoo install
> configured to your liking, taking care that the total size didn't exceed
> 700mb compressed.  However, my understanding is that Gentoo Live Cds are
> essentially designed just for installing Gentoo, not a full featured and
> functional desktop live cd.
> Slax is very high performance, and everything is already done, and you can add
> modules on boot from your HD, or brew up a whole new expanded cd that
> includes your added stuff. The "kill bill version has wine, etc., for running
> some windows apps. The Slax iso is only 200mb even with kde-3.4.0, so it's
> got lots of expansion possibilities  since you could theoretically add 500mb
> more stuff and still have it compressed onto one cd..

Thanks a lot for everyone's help.  I definitely learned a lot about
LiveCDs and now I've got to roll this over in my head some more.  What
I'm really trying to do is figure out the best way to manage my
business over the Internet while I travel around.  Keyboard loggers on
public computers freak me out, and lugging my laptop around and hoping
Internet cafes will let me plug in doesn't sound too great.  I may end
up doing that though.  No big deal.

- Grant

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