Depends on the filesystem type: I use reiserfs and the tool is
resize_reiserfs from sys-fs/reiserfsprogs.  I have increased the size on
partitions containing data with no problems at all, but have not tried
to reduce a partition yet (you shrink the fs first, then the LVM


On Sun, 2005-05-01 at 17:31 +0530, Mrugesh Karnik wrote:
> William Kenworthy wrote:
> > Did you grow the filesystem into the space you made with LVM ?
> Ooops! Help?
> > Yes, unless its a non-core partition and can be unmounted, and even then
> > it would probably still be safer to do from a livecd.
> OK.. LiveCD it shall be :)
> > BillK
> Thanks,
> Mrugesh

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