Thanks, Neil! -- bookmarked 'em just now!
(now howinhell did i just type "beekmarked" ?!?!?) <puzzled-as-hell expression>

(Also I have an O'Reilly book or two, but the more the merrier!)

O'Reilly has the best books by far, but a couple of others also stand out:
Prentice-Hall/PTR :: Linux Desktop Reference (dated but good, especially for noobs)
Linux Press :: The Linux Cookbook (Noobs NEED this book!) (also freely downloadable, forgot url -- advantages to each [paper | bytes]

Thanks again!,

Nick Rout wrote:

On Sun, 2005-05-01 at 18:36 -0400, Robert G. Hays wrote:

Python :: (noun) :: A computer programing language that has adopted (swallowed!) every programming construct from every other known programming language. (And I have red a list somewhere listing the multiplicity of languages from which python got things -- it is literally about half of the languages around at the time. I think just maybe it was a quote from the python originators?)
I like the idea, and I plan to master it in the next few months. (Haven't started yet, though...)

Try this: and this: I have the former on my treo (thanks to plucker) for those lighter moments on the bus. Unfortunately I don't know if there is a python for palmOS to try the examples. I suppose I could always ssh into my desktop to try them.

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