   As a few folks probably know I'm playing with Gentoo on some XBox
hardware. My interest is in XBox as a standard PC - not a gaming
platform. I am using Gentoo-XBox but I have a more global question and
am looking for a specific answer about boot loaders. Thanks in

   The specific question: Will grub work on all X86 machines (and
non-X86 for that matter) or is grub limited to some specific set of
hardware devices?

   In my case I have an XBox with a mod chip installed. This mod chip
allows me to completely bypass the M$ BIOS and boot a different BIOS
installed in the mod chip. Effectively the machine has two completely
separate BIOS's installed and depending on which front panel switch
you push at boot time (either the power for M$ or the disk eject for
mod chip) you boot with either the M$ BIOS or the mod chip BIOS.

   The mod chip BIOS does not depend on any files or information on
the M$ XBox disk partitions. I have removed the XBox disk, set it
completely aside for safe keeping and then installed Gentoo-XBox on a
new drive. Booting from the mod chip BIOS the machine finds any
bootable DVD I've tried so far, including both the standard Gentoo
disc as well as the Gentoo-XBox and GentooX and WinXP discs. I used
the Gentoo-XBox DVD and the installation has gone completely normally.
Great so far.

   However, and this is important. from earlier tests I know that
Cromwell does NOT work on this revision of the XBox. I would like to
install and use grub in an absolutely normal way for a PC.

   Will it work?

   If I try it and it doesn't work can I actually remove grub and go
some other direction (Cromwell update) later?

   The basic install on this machine is done and I'm at the install
your boot loader step. I'll hang tight and see what the verdict is.

Thanks in advance,

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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