* On Sun May-08-2005 at 03:27:41 PM -0700, Drew Tomlinson said:
> I've followed the directions in the handbook and installed from a 
> Knoppix boot.  I've made it all the way to section 10.d (reboot).  
> However upon reboot, I'm presented with a login prompt.  I log in as 
> root and enter the password I set in section 8.c but it tells me 'login 
> incorrect'.  I boot Knoppix again, perform the required steps and enter 
> my chroot environment.  I repeat section 8.c and reset the password.  I 
> also move ahead to section 11 and create a user account for myself, 
> passing along '-G wheel', so I can su if necessary.  I reboot again back 
> to Gentoo but get the same problem when logging on as root.  I can log 
> on with the new user account I've created but 'su' does not work (can't 
> setguid), probably due to the same password issue I have when logging on 
> as root.
> Any idea?  I'm almost there.

My only stab in the dark here:

In /etc/fstab do you have the nosuid option enabled on any of your

Sami Samhuri

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