Harry Putnam wrote:
> I'm noticing a problem using sudo where the builtin cd command is not
> known under sudo.
> User attempts to `ls dir', receives `permission denied' ( its a root
> owned dir)
> User uses `sudo ls dir', and is queried for password, sudo then prints the
> ls display when password is supplied.
> All good so far.
> Now user attempts to use sudo to cd into dir:
>    sudo cd dir
>   sudo: cd: command not found
> Far as I know `cd' is a shell builtin.  Why doesn't sudo environment
> know about it?  Does sudo envoke a different shell that lacks that
> built in..?

as far as i know, sudo doesn't invoke shell to execute the commands,
istead it executes them directly (because of security reasons it checks
a few thing)

YoYo () Siska

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