Jaap van Geffen wrote:

>I emerged the isdn4k-utils on my new computer. I have the modules loaded
>ok I can dial ok,but no connection.No way to find out why.
>On my old computer it got it installed and working allright so I put the
>isdncard back in it.I can emerge on the new one through my homenetwork I
>installed for the occasion,but I want to get rid of the old computer.
>Well,that's my situation,now the question.
>The version of the new ebuild emerge used is
>isdn4k-utils-3.6_pre20041219-r1 and on the old one
>I would like to install the old ebuild on my new computer(because I know
>I can get it to work)but if I do emerge =isdn4k-utils-3.2_p1-r2 it
>refuses.I tried to copy the old ebuild but made a mess of it.I think
>this is rather complicated.

Old ebuilds are avaible from viewcvs:


Copy it to /usr/portage/net-dialup/isdn4k-utils/ and run:

# /usr/portage/net-dialup/isdn4k-utils/isdn4k-utils-3.2_p1-r2.ebuild digest
# emerge isdn4k-utils-3.2_p1-r2


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