James wrote:
> I had not emerged a gentoo system for a while now / is filled up.
> Looking for large files to remove, I found in /proc:
> -r--------   1 root   root   1073672192 May 13 22:31 kcore
> I guess this is not a good file to remove?
> Kernel images are only this big:
> -rw-------  1 root root 2298699 Apr 30 00:17 kernel-2.6.11-gentoo-r6B
> the kcore file is killing a 500 M partion.
> Ideas on what to do?
> James
As sayd ignore it or understud it, you can look at
/usr/src/linux/Documentation/filesystems/proc.txt .
kcore       Kernel core image (can be ELF or A.OUT(deprecated in 2.4))

another note: your kcore is very big (five times mine) ypu may want to
optimize what is compiled in modifying the kernelconfig before to build
it (and for this google is your friend ;)

ciao francesco

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