On 05/19/05 23:41, Bob Sanders wrote:
On Thu, 19 May 2005 22:15:55 -0400
Walter Dnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

As I await my income-tax refund, I'm drooling over a couple of
machines on a website that allows you to build to your own specs. One
is an Intel P4 CPU 505 2.66GHz/533FSB/1M and the other is an AMD Athlon
64 3000+/1600FSB/512K CPU. Spec'ed out otherwise identically, the AMD
comes out slightly less expensive; it's not significant. Is there any
real advantage to be had with an Athlon 64? Does Gentoo do anything
with the extra 64 bits?

Gentoo runs in full 64-bit mode on the AMD64. Downside is some problems with
binary only packages like Shockwave Flash. It works fine in 32-bit environements,
like Opera on an AMD64, but no with Firefox or Mozilla. Also, if you have to have
OpenOffice, it must be the binary version as the soucre still doesn't compile cleanly
at 64-bits.

If you play games, Cedega doesn't work very well, but UT2004 works fine in 
64-bit mode,
though the ATI 9250 pretty much sucks playing at anything over 800x600,. and 
kind of sucks there as well.  An Nvidia 5200 works fine.

Also, consider that the AMD64 will be cooler than the P4 - it runs around 65 W,
while the P4 is around 85 W.

Also, I have a choice between a 64 meg ATI
Radeon 7000 and a 128 meg Radeon 9250, at the same price.  I have a
Radeon 7000 working on an older machine right now.  Are there any Gentoo
issues with drivers for the 9250?

Only that neither the Radeon Xorg driver nor the ATI driver support 16x10 - 1600x1024. They do fine at 4x3 - 1280x1024 and 16x9 - 1280x768, with the
9250. Well, they did, before the 9250 started dieing. Replaced it with an nVidia
card, that does do 16x10 and all the rest.

1280x1024 is 5:4, 1280x960 is 4:3...

This reply brought to you by Gentoo on an AMD64 -

[EMAIL PROTECTED] rsanders $ uname -av
Linux chi 2.6.11-gentoo-r3 #2 Thu May 12 21:24:58 PDT 2005 x86_64 AMD 
Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3000+ AuthenticAMD GNU/Linux

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