the source tarball is kept in /usr/portage/distfiles (in its tarred
release format). You can study the "raw" (as in unpatched ) source there
by untarring the source tarball.

as others have said, if you want to study the source with whatever
patches the ebuild has applied, use "FEATURES=keepwork"

On Fri, 2005-05-20 at 17:38 -0700, cfk wrote:
> Pardon the slightly naive question.
> I would like to study the c and cpp source on the packages I am emerging. I 
> *think* they are removed after compilation. I say I *think* as I was looking 
> in /var/tmp/portage and /usr/portage and didnt find them.
> How do I go about keeping the source for later reference of the various 
> packages that I emerge with gentoo.
> Charles

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